Dos and Don’ts After Getting a Tattoo:

1. Follow Aftercare Instructions:

Always adhere to the specific aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist. Keep the tattoo clean, moisturized, and protected from sunlight to promote proper healing.

2. Keep the Tattoo Hydrated:

Regularly apply a recommended tattoo-specific moisturizer or ointment to keep the tattooed area hydrated, aiding in the healing process and preventing scabbing.

3. Protect from Sun Exposure:

Shield the fresh tattoo from direct sunlight and tanning beds during the healing period. Sun exposure can fade colors and potentially damage the skin, leading to complications in healing.

4. Wear Loose Clothing:

Opt for loose, breathable clothing to prevent rubbing or irritation on the new tattoo. Tight clothing can cause discomfort and hinder the healing process.

5. Attend Follow-Up Appointments:

If necessary, attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your tattoo artist. This ensures they can inspect the tattoo’s healing progress and provide additional touch-ups if required.

1. Avoid Swimming or Soaking:

Refrain from swimming in pools, hot tubs, or soaking in baths during the initial healing period. Submerging the tattoo in water can lead to infections and slow down the healing process.

2. Don’t Pick or Scratch:

Resist the temptation to pick scabs or scratch the tattoo, as this can cause damage, scarring, and interfere with the healing process, leading to potential infections.

3. Avoid Excessive Exercise or Sweating:

Limit intense physical activities that cause excessive sweating during the initial healing phase. Sweat can irritate the tattoo and increase the risk of infection.

4. Avoid Tight Bandages or Wraps:

Avoid covering the tattoo with tight bandages or wraps after the initial protection period. This can suffocate the tattoo and hinder the healing process.

5. Don’t Neglect Regular Cleaning:

Ensure the tattoo is regularly cleaned as advised by the artist. Neglecting proper cleaning can lead to infections and compromise the tattoo’s appearance during the healing process.

Dos and Don’ts After Getting a Piercing:

1. Clean with Saline Solution:

Use a saline solution or a gentle saline-based cleanser to clean the pierced area at least once a day. This helps prevent infection and promotes healing.

2. Follow Professional Advice:

Adhere to the aftercare advice given by your piercer. Use recommended products and methods to keep the piercing clean and healthy.

3. Handle with Clean Hands:

Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching or handling the piercing to avoid introducing bacteria that may cause infections.

4. Maintain Good Hygiene:

Keep the area around the piercing clean and dry. Avoid using harsh soaps, alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide directly on the piercing as they can be too harsh and delay healing.

1. Avoid Touching with Dirty Hands:

Refrain from touching the piercing with unwashed hands to prevent the introduction of bacteria, leading to potential infections.

2. Avoid Changing Jewelry Prematurely:

Do not change the initial jewelry too soon. Wait until the piercing is fully healed before considering changing or removing it.

3. Don’t Overclean or Overhandle:

Excessive cleaning or handling of the piercing can irritate the area and impede the natural healing process.

4. Avoid Using Harsh Products:

Steer clear of using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or harsh chemicals directly on the piercing as they can be too harsh and delay healing.

5. Don’t Remove Jewelry Too Early:

Removing jewelry before the piercing is fully healed can cause the hole to close prematurely, leading to complications or difficulties in re-piercing.

Following these dos and don’ts after getting a tattoo or piercing is crucial to ensure proper healing, minimize complications, and maintain the quality of your new body art or modification.